Sunt fascinata de haine. Imi plac hainele care te reprezinta ca om, care te fac deosebit si unic fata de alte mii de siluete de pe strada, toate parca urmand acelasi tipar actual. Imi plac oamenii curajosi din punct de vedere vestimentar. Si cei care nu judeca un stil vestimentar din prisma curentelor actuale. Ci care apreciaza personalitatea individuala.
Imi plac culorile la nebunie. Nu ma mai atrag outfiturile monocromatice din pacate (sau nu).
Vreau sa ma simt vie si de netrecut cu vederea! :D

I am fascinated by clothes. I like the clothes that represent your inner self, that make you feel special and unique beside thousands of figures on the street, all following the same actual pattern. I like bravery in terms of fashion. And people who don't judge a person's clothing style in terms of current trends. But those who appreciate the individual personality.
I'm crazy in love with colours. Sadly (or not) I don't find it attractive anymore to wear monochromatic outfits. I want to feel alive and noticeable! :D

joi, 23 februarie 2012

Born to be full of colours

Born to be full of colours

Sheer shirt
£141 -

Formal jacket
$75 -

Alaïa flare skirt
€1.750 -

Steven cut out heels
$159 -

Cleobella crossbody handbag
$119 -

Helene Berman wool hat
$60 -

Mango cat eye sunglasses
£18 -

Lace glove
$12 -

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